
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Summer learning Journey

Day 1 - in the beginning

Activity - To learn more cool facts about New Zealand, check out the Tourism NZ website. Read the fun facts posted on the website and choose your ‘Top 3.’ On your blog, post your ‘Top 3 Fun Facts’ about NZ in your own words.  

one fact about New Zealand is that we are the first country that saw sunrise in fact you guys might know that Samoa was the first to start off the day but, New Zealand was the first to see the sine rise, 

the second fact about New Zealand is that we were the first country to let women vote, so in 1893 New Zealand had allowed women to vote, or been seen on the $10 note.

The last fact is that New Zealand has the biggest insects, for example our Weta are 100 mm

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