
Friday, January 17, 2020

Activity 1 Day 3 Week 4


We would love to know more about your interests (passions) and your future plans. What do you think that you would like to do when you are older?

On your blog, please tell us about your future plans (i.e. what you plan to do when you finish high school or college). Would you prefer to start working right away or to continue with your studies?

My Answer:Blue

I want to be a teacher when i'm older because I would like to experience what type of person I would be like a strict teacher,fun,cool or an angus teacher but at the same time I just like how teachers at Glen Taylor work. I would want to start work straight away and do studies at the same time but I also want to start work a bit late because I love to do finished homework in my own time sometimes which is kinda fun for me to do. 


  1. Hi Savanah

    My name is Daniel and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey team. Well done on completing another SLJ activity! I think that you have done a great job so far. Becoming a teacher would be a good career path as you would be teaching children the basics things they need to know in life (like math, reading, writing, etc). Just curious, what year level would you want to teach if you become a teacher? Keep up the good work!


  2. I'm sure you'll make a great teacher one day, you just need a lot of patience.

  3. Great aspirations Savanah - keep doing what you're doing at GTS and onto college and you'll breeze through teachers college before you know it!

  4. Kia ora Savanah,

    Thanks for sharing your dream job - we have that in common! :)

    I'm currently studying to become a teacher at the moment, and I absolutely love it. I find it to be so rewarding and a really good challenge as well! I'm sure you'd be a cool and fun teacher :)

    What makes you want to become a teacher? Did you have a certain person or teacher who inspired you?

    Nga mihi
