
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Activity - 2 Day - 4 Week - 3


Please think about your own health and well-being (hauora). What do you, or those in your family, do to stay healthy?

On your blog, share five things that you do to stay healthy and strong.

My list:Green

1.Drink water
2.Eat healthy food like salads or fruit
3.Run around field
4.Get a lot of rest
5.Go to the gym


  1. It's a great list to keep healthy, especially drinking plenty of water.

  2. Kia ora Savanah,

    Again, congratulations on doing so many activities with the Summer Learning Journey! You only have 3 more days to complete which is from Day 4, Day 2, Activity 2 to the end. You’ve got this! You can finish the programme!

    You have listed some really good ideas to keep healthy and strong! What would you do in the gym? Would you do mostly cardio or some weights too? You should always make sure you are drinking enough water! We are supposed to be drinking around 2-3+ litres of water a day. Which is x2 big bottles of water that you find in the supermarket. Which is actually quite difficult. I try to finish 1.5L before lunch time and then the rest before I go to bed.

    Do you have any goals coming into 2020? Mine is to drink more water! Keen to hear back from you :)

