
Monday, January 13, 2020

Activity 3 Day 1 Week 4


Imagine you have a diary. In your diary please write a story about your most extraordinary day. What happened? You can tell us about an actual event or you can make one up. It’s totally up to you!

On your blog, post a diary entry about your extraordinary day. Please start your post with the words “Dear Diary”

My Answer:Green

Dear Diary on christmas day I went to Nelson to celebrate christmas with my family. first I had to wake up around 5:00 - 6:00 because the plane was leaving at 7:30, next I went in the car to go to the airport, the airport was about 20 minutes away from my house s me my dad and my brother jumped out of the car and said bye to my Mum. After that we waited for my aunty and cousins to come because they were coming down to nelson. So we went into the airport and had to get our tickets after that we had breakfast at Subway I got everything in my wrap and an m&m cookie because I wanted something sweet to start my day well anyways after we had our breakfast we was boarding on the plane. I was sitting next to a stranger on the way there but not *one of those mean strangers I mean a friendly stranger. it took 1 hour and 30 minutes but it was way worth it on the way back we was boarding around 6:30 on the way back I sat next to my cousin. it was so much fun because we keep laughing and telling jokes I enjoyed it.


  1. Nice story, I hope you had good time with your family in Nelson.

  2. Kia ora Savanah,

    What an awesome diary entry about your travels down to Nelson to spend Christmas with your family. Did you know that Nelson has one of the lowest crime rates in New Zealand? It also holds the famous track ‘The Abel Tasman Coast Track’. This track takes 3-5 days to complete and is on my to do list! You should check it out here

    You did an awesome job on explaining every detail. We could really picture your story in our heads.

    Keep up the great work Arvay! Have you ever tried to use posters & infographics to create a blog post? They are A LOT easier to create than you think! Here’s the link to all the different ways you can create blog posts

