
Wednesday, May 22, 2019


1.Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.
2.Our amazing planet has been around for quite some time.
3. Like all the planets Earth orbits travels around the sun.
4.Not only does Earth zoom through space, it also spins on its axis.
5.Its name comes from the the old English and Germanic words meaning the ground

What is the real name for Earth?The name derives from Old English and Germanic. There are, of course, hundreds of other names for the planet in other languages. In Roman Mythology, the goddess of the Earth was Tell-us - the fertile soil Greek Gaia, Terra mater Mother Earth. The Earth is the densest major body in the solar system.

What happened during Earth's Dark Age or the first 500 million years after it formed?Understanding Earth's early development would explain how the atmosphere and oceans developed. One difficulty: Few rocks from then are preserved, meaning little concrete evidence.

How did Earth and other planets form?Scientists are perplexed by how and why the planets formed into such distinct bodies, with only our rocky orb supporting life as far as we know

Image result for earth

Power from the Sun

Why does people use panels instead of electricity? People who have solar panels on their homes buy less electricity from their utility companies because they're producing some electricity on their own. 

Image result for panels

How does panels work?Simply put, a solar panel works by allowing photons, or particles of light, to knock electrons free from atoms.

Why do people use panels?Solar panels, also known as photovoltaics, are used to convert light from the sun, which is composed of particles of energy called "photons"

Image result for panels

These two photos are of panels that are not on roofs and are on roofs 

What are the difference between panels on roof and off roof?The angle or pitch of your solar roof actually has less impact on solar panel performance than the direction it faces


Why do people bully?
To be cool
To make other people like them
To think there tough
To copy other people that Bully
To try and hide there feelings
To try and hurt other peoples feelings
To act like there in charge
They're insecure with themselves
They're victims of bullying or had once been a victim of bullying
There probably jealous

Stand up to bullies Don't stand by while they are hurting others Tell a Teacher Adult or a Parent to stop it going further Tell a bully No! No! No! you should not pick on others even words can hurt so stop, Be brave,Be strong don't stand by while they are hurting other peoples feelings speak up and help theme to stop bullying be a friend instead of a hater.

All about the Solar system

what is Solar System? the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit round the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.

1.what planet is the closes to the sun? Mercury

2.what is the planet that has rings around it? the planets in the Solar System have rings. They are the four giant gas planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Saturn, which has by far the largest ring system, was known to have rings for a long time. It was not until the 1970s that rings were discovered around the other gas planets

3.Are the asteroids the remains of a planet which broke apart?Astronomers think that the asteroid belt is made up of material that was never able to form into a planet, or of the remains of a planet which broke apart a very long time ago. The asteroids in the asteroid belt come in a variety of sizes. Some are very small less than a mile across while others are quite large.

4.Do asteroids hit the Sun? Image result for Do asteroids hit the Sun?
The corona, though very hot, is too thin to transfer much heat. Instead, the intense glare of solar radiation sublimates ices into gas that escapes into space or causes the comets to crack apart. But recently observed comets have made it closer to the sun's surface than ever before.

How did asteroids form and what is the difference between an asteroid and a comet? The main difference between asteroids and comets is their composition, as in, what they are made of. Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky material, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material. Both asteroids and comets were formed early in the history of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago.

Here is a picture of the Solar System and all the planets.


14 facts about whales
1.The Blue Whale is the largest animal ever to have lived on earth.

2.Despite being so massive, this giant of the ocean feeds on some of the smallest marine life – tiny shrimp like animals called krill. A single adult blue whale can consume 36,000 kg of krill a day.

3.Blue Whales are graceful swimmers cruise the ocean at over 8km/h and can reach speeds of over 30km/h.

4.They mainly catch their food by diving, and descend to depths of approximately 500 m.

5.Blue whales have few predators but are known to fall victim to attacks by sharks and killer whales, and many are injured or die each year from impacts with large ships.

Blue Whale biology
6.The whale’s mouth has a fascinating row of plates fringed with bristles to help it filter its main source of food – plankton from the water,

7. There is what looks like a moustache of long bristles on the end of each plate to help it hold the minute prey. With each mouthful, the whale can hold up to 5,000 kg of water and plankton. Having forced the water out of its mouth,

8. The whale licks these bristles with its fleshy tongue.

9.Although the blue whale is a deep-water hunter, as a mammal, it must come to the surface of the sea to breathe.

10. When it surfaces, it exhales air out of a blowhole in a cloud of pressurized vapour that rises vertically above the water for up to 9m.

11.Females breed only once every three years and gestation is between 11-12months Females usually only have one young.

12.A baby blue whale calf emerges weighing up to 2,7000kg and up to 8m long.

13. New born whales are helped to the surface of the water by their mothers and are often encouraged (nudged) by other females so that they can take their first breath of air.

14.The calf is suckled in the water, drinking more than 600 litres of milk each day and gaining about 90kg every day for its first year


Yesterday Rm 9 wen't on a ride on the bicycle with Julian and Alex, First we got split into 2 groups, After that we got a medium/small bike, Next that we lined the bikes up and sat on the court and learned about bicycles we also learnt the parts on the bikes.
All i remember is the 2 brakes,chain,reflector,handle bars,pedals,tire,rim,shimmer and lastly the down tube. I was in Julian's group all the people in Julian's group always had a smile on there face which made me smile. I had enjoyed everything we had done with Julian but my favorite part was when we all got to do the snake because it Tought us how to go diagonal and to go zig zag which was my favorite part, lastly i just wan't to say Thanks to Alex and Julian for teaching us how to ride a bicycle on the road safety, my favorite trick on the bicycle was the quick stop" most people failed but they still tried. The reason why the quick stop was my favorite Bicycle trick, because heres an example if you go down an ali way with your bicycle and a dog comes chasing after you just put both hands on the 2 brakes and push while you push the brakes what you got to do is stand up and put your back" backwards so you don't run over the dog, That is the quick stop hope this blog teaches you how to ride a bike safety.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Last week me and my Maths group did some maths questions witch was supper fun to answer because it will make me a bit smarter, Witch mean it will make me get to a higher group. So when I get to the seniors I will be able to answer the maths questions equations super fast like Mrs Faalili said for an example 128+128 you can just go 100+100=200 then add the 20 and the 20 together what makes 40 then add the 200 to the 40 adds up to 240 and lastly add the 8 and the 8 and that equals 16 then add the 240 to the 16 and that equals 256 a easier way is to do 240 times 2 and if you change the 16 to a 10 and add the 240 to the 10 and that makes 250 then you just get the 6 and add that to the 250 and that is 256

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Rm 9 Trip To MOTAT

On Friday Room 7,8,9 and 10 went to MOTAT, Groups of people liked it because they got to see a lot of new things and it had put them in a moment of shock. I enjoyed myself there to because there was a lot of Respectful and Grateful people around us. We had been to heaps of places like the dome where we ate our Food, and the Fire Station video game room which is called GET SMART and many more. My favourite place was the Education Room because it had heaps of old Phones however things were there such as new Hot water bottle and Hot Water Bottle that is from the olden days. I have some photos down below of old Phones,Cameras and students that enjoyed themselves just like me. I hope you enjoy my personal view of point and somehow I hope I have persuade you to experience this yourself.
 The earliest recorded type of hot water bottle was the bed warmer. Going back to the 16th century these where filled with embers from the fire and placed into a metal pan with a lid over the top to protect against sparks leaping out and setting the bedding on fire.

This Photo was Taken in the Education Room this is called a Type writer The first patented writing machine was made in England in 1714 but never built. The first manufactured typewriter appeared in 1870 and was the invention of Malling Hansen. It was called the Hansen Writing Ball and used part of a sphere studded with keys mounted over a piece of paper on the body of the machine.

These are the Cameras that people used back in the days, Some of the camera you see here were also used to be taken for professional photos such as family portrait & Individual self portrait. From my own perspective I think what I have seen was really interesting to see what my parents have had and comparing it to what we have now is a big change in the years that has pasted by. One thing I really enjoyed about this trip to MOTAT was experiencing and seeing different things.

These are the Phones they kept for over 30 or 50 years

In 1983, the first mobile phones went on sale in the U.S. at almost $4,000 each.

Apple sold. ...

Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.

In Japan, 90% of mobile phones are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the shower.

Mobile Phone Radiation can cause Insomnia, headaches and confusion.

This is The us in the Education room enjoying themselves as you can see Jake the one in the purple T-shirt standing up and facing towards us, I just wan't to say Thank you for having us and you can See Miss Tuia looking at the new and old Things 

This is Me and my friends Michel,Ocean,Syc,Catherine and Josephine on a chair taking photos being happy and grateful to each and one of us. I really appreciate Mrs Faalili for everything she did for us at MOTAT down below will be most of Room 9 on the MOTAT sign 

  This is most of Room 9 on the MOTAT sign and you can see me and my friend Josephine drinking the water. My favourite part about MOTAT was that we enjoyed and had Fun 

How to make butter

on Tuesday Rm 9 Made butter it was so much fun because people behaved and never mucked around. Methods 1.We let the Cream to set for 5 hours 2.We all had got split into 6 groups 3.Next we got a Jar with 1 cup of cream 4.After that we screw the lid on tightly 5.And then we set a Timer to see How long it takes for us to Make Butter 6.When we put the timer on our group started shaking the Jar so it could form into Butter 7.First we had to Shake it until it turns to Whip Cream 8.Then we Shake it when it goes light Yellow 9.After we did all that it started to form into Butter 10.When it form into Butter Mrs Faalili gave us a Zip lock bag so we can put our Butter into the bag 11.Before we put our Butter into the zip lock bag we got to tip out the liquid from the Butter 12.After that we had to put our mixture into a Bowl of Water 13.Next we used our Zip lock bag And Tip our Butter into the bag 14.After that we got a number from Mrs Faalili and our Group Number was 5 So then we put our Group Number on the Zip lock bag so we don't Mix our Butter with the other groups Butter Ingredients Cream Equipment Jar with a nice Screw lid Water and a bowl

Here are some photos of people Shaking and needing the Butter