
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Day - 5 Activity - 2

Activity : light pink

Listen to the podcast of Yusra Mardini or read her story on her website.

On your blog, retell the story of this brave young woman from Syria.


Yusra and her elder sister fled the Syrian war and set off on a perilous journey to find safety in Europe. In summer 2015,

Fifteen minutes into the sea crossing, the boat’s engine failed. As a professional swimmer, Yusra was determined not to let any of her fellow passengers drown.

Yusra competed at the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016, helping to represent 65 million displaced people worldwide.

Yusra now lives in Berlin, Germany and is concentrating on her professional swimming career.


  1. Mōrena Savanah! Olive and the grey skies here! How are you doing?

    Thank you for your blog post! I really enjoyed reading about your recount of Yusra Mardini. She's such an inspirational young woman filled with determination and bravery. I think you've given some really good description here. Ka pai on your hard work! What did she do that prevented the passengers from drowning?

    Do you like swimming? My favourite stroke is breaststroke. Swimming like a frog is fun!

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Ngā mihi,

  2. Very inspirational story.
